Making ESP real
Welcome to Psiscope and the world of ONCHAIN PSI. You got psi? You can prove psi, all thanks to the unique immutability & transparency of blockchain technology.
Psiscope’s near-term goal is to create a suite of “onchain” tools for psychic functioning, designed to help produce a deluge of public proof of ESP, help coordinate psi projects, and help blockchain-verified psi “masters” become professional psicogs.
At our core, we believe in the transformative power of both blockchain and psi. And we believe in their combined power to finally push psi into the mainstream and make it a productive new layer of reality.
Current Status
Feb 1, 2025 – Psiscope is about to take another big step forward with new psi (d)apps with focus on group projects and other exciting activities. Following a period of beta testing, we anticipate 2025 to be a threshold year for Psiscope and onchain psi.
The more A.I. advances and spreads, the more need we’ll have for truth-establishing technologies such as blockchain. This is especially true for “paranormal” stuff including psi. When it’ increasingly impossible to discern facts in the digital realm, why would anyone take any paranormal claim made on the internet seriously, unless backed up by blockchain technology? This is necessary. It’s time. Get ready.
Onchain Psi Apps
Why waste your psi? Use blockchain to future-proof your psychic information. What’s the point if you can’t prove what you did? Especially in the age of A.I., no information will be assumed valid unless made irrefutable by onchain proof. Go onchain today or all your efforts WILL go to waste. (More apps to come.)

Account Manager
Register or update your user information here. This involves attaching a username and email (kept private & offchain) to your blockchain address. This will be useful/necessary for group activities which will arrive soon.

Precognition Registry
Record your predictions on blockchain & retrieve them from blockchain. This makes your predictions future-proof as it will always be verifiable – today, tomorrow, next year, or decades from now.

Information Registry
Record information (texts, documents, images) on blockchain to make it provable. Roughly identical to Precognition Registry but this one is for all kinds of information, not limited to predictions.
Psi Revolution via Blockchain
What if I told you that by 2025, no remote viewing claims will be considered legitimate, unless backed up by immutable proof on blockchain?
2025 or not, this future is coming and when it does, the combination of psi and blockchain should help usher in a whole new phase of reality.
Here is how that future may look like, or how it begins…

Featured in “Eight Martinis” remote viewing Magazine
Our article discussing the benefits of using blockchain technology with psi/remote viewing is featured in the November 2022 edition of “Eight Martinis” RV magazine. Read it for free!